Your specialized wholesaler importer and manufacturer. Since 1981. Own production in Asia

Invitation to an exclusive feast of stones - only for specialist dealers! With Sunday sale!
Winter in-house exhibition 2016   November 11 - 13, 2016, each 9 - 18 clock

Today morning opened the gates to the last in-house exhibition 2016 - numerous visitors were already at the door and are excited about the huge offer.

In addition to over 1000 m² of exhibition space in our main building, you will find in our large, heated action tents on another approx. 300 m² a sensational selection of special items, rarities and new arrivals, which are available to you only on the next three days in addition to the selection!

Visit us too and find your top sellers for a successful Christmas business and unforgettable gifts for your loved ones. At our kitchen team it is already bubbling in the pots and from the café tent it smells delicious coffee & waffles! We have for you up to and including Sunday open daily from 9.00 to 18.00 and look forward to your visit!

Use the last opportunity of the year to shop with 12% Hausmesserabatt (already from 500 € net value of goods)!


7 November: The tents are built and filled!



All the stones are moved out of the way and the exhibition tents are set up for the many additional goods!

Look forward to new design jewelry e.g. Tourmaline rings and Earstuds, Uvarovite pendants, Cobalcalite bracelets. Genuine Sapphire Necklaces! New drilled stones, such as fluorite, pink Andean Opal and chrysocoll. High quality, inexpensive stone pendants with real silver eyelets in many varieties. Arkansas mountain crystal specimens with crystal clear crystals and a great look. New strands, including rough diamonds! And more rarities like silver pendants with real gold veins in quartz!

Some items are very exclusive, so our tip the earlier you come to the fair, the greater your selection!

October 24, 2016: from stone to design


Single cabochons, raw crystals, Tumbled Stones and other mineralogical treasures are turned into designer jewelry pieces by the expert eyes and hands of the Chili Creative team and silversmiths in Bali. All incoming goods are checked to see if the newly delivered gemstones are suitable for jewelry making, and the purchasing team is also constantly on the lookout for new treasures to set in silver. A first package from Bali with finished gemstone jewelry has already arrived for the in-house exhibition - an exciting moment every time the results of the designs are available, e.g. Pendants with Uvarovite and Tourmaline in Matrix, rings with Tourmaline crystals or Pearl and Incluse Quartz.

20. October 2016: GKS certification verified


On 20.10.2016 it was time again: the annual certification of the Lapis Vitali range (e.g. gemstone wands, Water Stones, massage balls) by the independent Institute for Gemstone Testing (EPI) was due. After the examination by Bernhard Bruder, it is certain that we may continue to carry the GKS seal (Gemmological Controlled Stone Quality). Some stone types must be labeled mineralogically more exactly, some invoice texts are supplemented and the fired carnelian balls get another shelf place in the house, but otherwise the examination of the Lapis Vitalis assortment ran without large objections. Until the in-house exhibition, these measures are implemented, so that then the information on the shelf labels and invoice texts are up to date and correspond to the latest mineralogical knowledge.

October 18, 2016: Even more new delicacies are unpacked!


The receiving department is currently full of boxes and boxes from a large sea freight of gemstones - the pendants, Large Palmstones, Wand, drilled stones and more still need to be sorted and labeled in time for the in-house show. From many items we could only buy a small amount, so unfortunately we can not offer them in our webshop, but only at the in-house exhibition.

October 14, 2016: gemstone rarities arrive!


Over the course of the year, Marco Schreier was on the road in numerous countries around the world, always on the lookout for unusual semi-precious stones, rough for cutting and other specialities for our wholesale range. Just in time for the winter in-house exhibition, the products we found for you all over the world have now arrived. You can also find some of the items here in our webshop. From many minerals, however, only small batches have come - so order immediately! Look forward to e.g. blue Aragonite, orange Barite, Chrysoprase from Australia, pink Mangano Calcite, Pinolite, Rhodonite from Peru, Serafinite and Tiger Iron.


September 30, 2016: Our co-exhibitors have confirmed!


Klaus Hüser                                                                                                   Monika Grundmann
Edelsteinorakel - "Bring the stone in rolling"                                             Rauhnach rituals

You can find more about the consulting services offered during the open house here.


