Over 40 years on the market + own production in China and Indonesia
Blue Lace Agate (blue) extra, 2,5 - 2,9cm (L)

Blue Lace Agate (blue) extra, 2,5 - 2,9cm (L)

Product number 010450302
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Fantastic quality from Namibia - extremely rare to find, as the localities are exhausted! Order now, only small quantities left in stock.

The banded chalcedony has an intense blue color and no matrix content.

Size of the Tumbled Stones approx. 25 - 29mm (size L - large)

You will receive approx. 43 - 47 Blue Lace Agate tumbled stones per 0.5 kg packaging unit.

Communication, listening and understanding are the topics for which blue chalcedony is used in modern gemstone healing. Blue Lace Agate is therefore also known as the "speaker's stone".

The terms "chalcedony" and "carchedony" were first used by Pliny the Elder in his Latin Naturalis Historia in the 1st century AD. However, it is not possible to clearly identify which stones were described here on the basis of the descriptions. Via "intermediate stages" such as calcedony, calcedony, chalcedony or kalcedony, the name changed to the chalcedony commonly used today.
