Over 40 years on the market + own production in China and Indonesia
Strand of balls, chrysocoll (rod.), 10mm

Strand of balls, chrysocoll (rod.), 10mm

Product number 140510100920
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What a color! Intense green-blue with low matrix content!

The ball strand of chrysocoll (rod.) is approx. 40cm long; diameter of the polished balls 10mm.

In analytical gemstone medicine, Chrysocoll is important in situations when its balancing effect is needed - the mineral helps to keep a cool head.

The name "chrysocoll" is derived from the Greek words chrysos (gold) and kolla (glue). The translation "gold glue" refers to the ancient use of the mineral in goldsmithing and granulating. The occasional spellings chrysocoll, chroysocoll, chrysochol, crysocoll, crysokol or crysocoll are therefore incorrect. Synonyms for chrysocoll are chrysocolla, silica copper, silica malachite, copper silica, copper green or mountain green.
