Over 40 years on the market + own production in China and Indonesia
Hilf, Gabriela: "Crystal Meditations I" (CD)

Hilf, Gabriela: "Crystal Meditations I" (CD)

Product number 1500030016
EAN 9783981489699
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1. meditation preparation: protection - connection with primal crystal and soul crystal; angel connection; photon energy (15:01 min).
2. light flow breathing: understanding (16:49 min.) 3. forgiveness ( 9:18 min.)
4. apologizing (12:38 min.) 5. giving thanks (9:21 min.)
6. regeneration (6:15 min.) 7. meditation conclusion: thanks + blessing (4:47 min.)
Deep relaxation music (5:35 min.)
Total running time: 80 min.
Gabriela Hilf: Mother of four children herself, has been working as a spiritual counselor for almost thirty years and the findings from her practice showed that almost 98% of people have experienced slights that still need to be resolved. Whether parents, children or fellow human beings, bitter experiences were often made and stored internally. With the help of this Harmony Therapy® Meditation CD, old programming can be erased and blessings can be attracted again. For this purpose, the CD can be played at any time at home or in the practice: For meditation, during household chores (cooking/cleaning/ironing), for relaxation,
during energetic treatments or even before falling asleep. In its repetition it supports to give a positive turn to the destiny.
ALFRA: rock musicians of the new age, who have opened up to spiritual music energies and put them into practice wonderfully.
With the purchase of this CD you donate at the same time 1 € for social purposes in Germany (children/animals/environment)

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