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Stone of the Month February 2025: Sunstone - Meaning and bearing

Sunstone gives the necessary portion of optimism at this time of year - or also at the beginning of a new project or a new stage of life - not to lose courage despite initial problems. The uplifting view on the own strengths and abilities, as well as on the sunny sides of life is supported by the orange stone. Negative views that hinder and limit can be overcome.

Origin of the name Sunstone and synonyms

Sunstone belongs to the large group of Feldspars and displays a copper to orange-gold glitter - hence its name, which describes its sparkling appearance. The synonym aventurine Feldspar, on the other hand, refers to the nature of the light reflections, the "aventurizing". In this process, shiny reflections are created in the mineral at embedded mineral flakes. Since these look like randomly distributed, this effect was name-giving (from the Italian "a ventura", randomly). "Aventurine" is thus used as the name for this light effect, which is independent of the mineral.

Other synonyms for sunstone are delawarite, aventurine sunstone, sunshine, and heliolite. Known as an imitation for sunstone is sand stone (also goldstone or aventurine glass), in which tiny pieces of Copper or Hematite are added to molten Glass; however, both seen with the naked eye and mineralogically, Sunstone and Gold River cannot be confused.

Sunstone items e.g. tumbled stones, stringed beads and jewelry at wholesale prices

Mineralogical profile of Sunstone

Chemical formula: Na[AlSi3O8]Ca[Al2Si2O8]

Mineral class: framework silicate, feldspar family.

Formation: usually forms magmatically in silica-rich pegmatites, more rarely volcanically in basalts. 

Sunstone is formed primarily from acidic to intermediate magmas, and here primarily in pegmatites as liquid-magmatic residual crystallization. Rarely it is also found in metamorphic rocks or by volcanic genesis in basalts. The mineral forms no crystals, but massive, coarse to late aggregates.

Stringed beads, focal components and more sunstone articles at wholesale prices

Color: mostly orange-reddish brown with typical glitter due to embedded hematite flakes or copper flakes, but also pink, yellow, green, blue-green, colorless;

Gloss: porcelain luster.

Crystal system: triklin

Mohs hardness: 6 to 6.5

Cleavability, fracture: perfect, granular fracture.

Localities, main supplier countries: India, USA, Norway, Russia, Madagascar, Malawi, Tanzania, China

A great new find from Tanzania are various feldspars with hematite inclusions, which can be found on the market under the trade name Arusha sunstone. Another trade name for this special variety is confetti sunstone. 

Appearance: mostly smaller cleavage pieces glittering through the inclusions, transparent in gem quality

Usage of Sunstone

Sunstone is a relatively rare gemstone that nevertheless plays an important role in gemstone healing. It is considered a stone for good mood and optimism. The message of the sunstone is to cheer you up by helping you to change your self-perception in a positive way. Personal sunny sides and strengths are thus brought back into focus and can be used. The core of your own being, your personality, can be (re)discovered with the support of the sunstone 

Sunstone is therefore used in gemstone healing to overcome a negative mood. We can face the challenges of everyday life with serenity and optimism.

If we tend to see only the negative, our weaknesses and shortcomings, the sunstone directs our attention to the positive, to what we have already achieved. Even in hectic, stressful everyday life, the sunstone connects us with our inner source of light, activates our energy and strengthens the radiance of our aura. 

No historical applications of sunstone have been handed down. In modern stone healing according to Michael Gienger, sunstone is worn in direct contact with the skin as a necklace, pendant or donut, or carried in the pocket of a trouser as a flatterer. Sunstone also conveys its inspiration and positive aura through regular meditative contemplation. Sunstone only plays a subordinate role in gemstone wellness, as corresponding massage stones (sphere, stylus, etc.) are hardly available. Larger tumbled stones (jumbos) are usually used instead. The focus here is usually on harmonizing the flow of energy.

Jewelry with sunstone is very popular. The gemstone forms an effective contrast with both silver and gold. Necklaces, bracelets and earrings are often made from strands of sunstone.

For retailer: sunstone items e.g. tumbled stones, stringed beads and jewelry

Sunstone in chakra balancing and gemstone astrology

Sunstone has a strengthening effect on the first, the root chakra and on the third, the solar plexus chakra. 

Gemstone astrology uses sunstone to give Capricorn-born people a sunny outlook on life and self-confidence.

Among the “Stone beings in the medicine wheel”, the sunstone is considered a warming energy that also fills you with lightness and strengthens your self-esteem; the associated affirmation is “Sunny laughter fills me and I say yes, yes, yes, just yes!”