Your specialized wholesaler importer and manufacturer. Since 1981. Own production in Asia

November 17 - 19, 2017: Great Christmas in-house exhibition in the Osterholz


During the Christmas in-house exhibition, our sales exhibition in Ludwigsburg will also be open for you on Saturday and Sunday: From 9:00 to 18:00 you can browse to your heart's content in newly arrived goods, make bargains, enjoy mulled wine and the delicious "Suppenkasper buffet" and thus prepare in a relaxed atmosphere for the coming Christmas business.


The in-house exhibition is open to invited trade visitors only; please bring your personal invitation card that we sent you at the end of November.If you did not receive an invitation, please contact us!

The opening hours for the 2017 Christmas Open House: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.



We look forward to your visit and wish you a good journey!



Marco Schreier & Team

You can find directions here!

November 20, 2017: Thank you!

Many thanks to all visitors of the Christmas in-house exhibition who enjoyed the delicious soups and stews, mulled wine, punch and waffles and then donated to the Fair Trade Minerals & Gems e.V. . This morning we emptied the donation pots and counted a total of 1017,08 €, which we will pass on to the association in your name. A special thank you to the team of "Stöbern und Schenken", who collected all year long in their store for the work of the association and then put the money into the big donation pot for the Christmas house fair.


19 November 2017: holes at a special price!


Even today, there is still the opportunity to bring or newly purchased stones to be drilled by expert hands! Use the opportunity - at the house fair special price! You will find the drilling workshop right next to the mineral shop in a row with bargain tent, waffle bakery and the Gallery of the Earth.

November 17, 2017, 9:00 a.m.: The open house fair is open!


The Open House opened promptly at 9:00 a.m. - and the first visitors flocked into the tent, the Bargain Market, the Gallery of the Earth and the Gem Drill.Thanks to the new entrance, the paths are now shorter and you can get directly from the welcome tent with a few steps into the large novelties tent.


November 15, 2017: Cough, cold, hoarseness?

With such bright sunshine as we have it today at noon in Osterholz one may not even think about the upcoming cold season. But in order to be well prepared and to be able to use the power of gemstones in the coming weeks and months optimally, the well-known Steinheilkundlerin Monika Grundmann brings to the Christmas in-house exhibition some practice-proven tips and tricks. You will find Ms. Grundmann during the three in-house exhibition days in the annex in the Lapis Vitalis area.

Some snow we had here but this morning already - so the entrance to the gemstone mandala and the two elephantine guardians is a bit sugared:


November 15, 2017: surprise guest gemstoneART

In the "Gallery of the Earth" the German-Swiss gemstone artists Rita Koch and Rolf Hunkeler will exhibit some of their works at the in-house exhibition. The works of art consist of numerous small Tumbled Stones, raw crystals and other gemstones.The works were inspired by the world's largest gemstone mandala laid by Lama Tendar in the garden of the Osterholz, which you can also visit during the in-house exhibition.

More about the gemstone artists' work here on gemstoneArt


November 14, 2017: slowly the tent is filling up!

The tents are up, as are tables, shelves and the chain wall! Now it's time to get started with the many pallets that have to be moved from the goods receiving area and warehouse to the tents. There is still a lot to do before the in-house exhibition can start on Friday at 9.00!


November 13, 2017: New for the in-house exhibition: VitaJuwel Loop

The latest novelty from VitaJuwel also arrives at the in-house exhibition: The Loop!

With the LOOP you have your VitaJuwel ViA safely in hand. The two silicone sleeves you simply put over the screw caps of your ViA and screw them as usual to the glass body. This allows you to hold your bottle loosely and comfortably in your hand or even attach it to your backpack with a Lobster Clasp.


November 12, 2017: purchase at the open house counts for 2018 loyalty discount!


Of course, your purchase at the upcoming Christmas in-house exhibition will also count towards your total 2017 sales, which will result in your personal loyalty discount for 2018! So you save twice - from 500 € net purchase value you get 12% discount on all discountable items at the in-house exhibition and in addition the in-house exhibition purchase counts for the calculation of your loyalty discount!



November 11, 2017: New jewelry is here!

From the Chili Jewels design workshop new to the house fair:
Favorable silver jewelry with Mother of Pearl - Back: Pendants with Tourmaline (Watermelon) -  playful pendants with faceted sparkling stones. And a look at the pendants with such fantastic stones as Cobaltocalcite, Chalcedony Rosettes and banded agates clearly shows the more than thirty-year-old roots of the Schreier company: minerals from all over the world - a passion that continues to this day!



November 10, 2017: gemstone art at the  "Gallery of the Earth"

Already at the Mineralientage Munich, the gemstone pictures "GemScapes" by Zee Haag have inspired numerous visitors. During the Christmas in-house exhibition, you can marvel at the works of the art designer in the "Gallery of the Earth".


"GemsScapes" is a novel and unique art form using transparent and opaque gemstones. GemScapes (gemstone landscapes touch and move the senses, creating a deeper awareness of the beauties of our planet. Each artwork is unique and personally signed by the artist.

Because of the unique material, the GemSpaces will always be and remain unique; each work a priceless artifact,a snapshot of the creation of Mother Earth - "Art of the Earth".



November 8, 2017: the courtyard is empty!



Still the yard in front of the hall, which you know from the in-house exhibition as a parking lot, is empty - but tomorrow the forwarding companies will be here the hand in the hand. There will beone sea freight each from Asia and Peru, as well as another small air freight with the last-minute articles, which have just been finished in the grinding shops in China. So lots to do until the in-house exhibition next weekend!


November 7, 2017: new holders and decorations for donuts - schöööön!

A new and ingenious product from the Chili Creative workshop celebrates premiere at the in-house exhibition: The decorations for donuts turn the plain gemstone slice into a noble piece of jewelry! You will find the ornaments in the jewelry department on the second floor of the mineral shop; three different patterns and two different sizes are available at the open house!



November 6, 2017: planning is in place: "Stone creatures in the medicine wheel" in the book corner



At the Christmas open house in the book corner again with: Stephan Bergmann and Frank Girualt with the ingenious concept of "stone beings in the medicine wheel"! Learn directly from the developers of the cards, how you can easily and successfully work with minerals without prior knowledge. About the cards, a deep contact with the stone beings arises, which makes it possible to experience their energies and their effects.


October 26, 2017: stones of the sky - Meteorites!



Fascinating travelers from other worlds: A large selection of meteorites from Argentina (Campo del Cielo) is newly arrived! Experience the very special charisma of these witnesses from the time of origin of our solar system! The selection at the open house ranges from pieces a few centimeters in size to chunks weighing several kilos.



October 24, 2017: the soup buffoon is coming!



Suitable for the wintry temperatures in mid-November, the Osterholz team will spoil you with delicious soups and stews at the Christmas in-house exhibition. Look forward, for example, to Gaisburger Marsch, vegetarian vegetable soup and goulash soup. Of course, there is also mulled wine, children's punch, Christstollen and waffles - enjoy a pre-Christmas day of shopping!



October 20, 2017: treasures arrived from Uruguay!



A gigantic selection of sparkling, dark purple amethyst formations from Uruguay has arrived and is currently being unpacked in the receiving department. A large pair of wings, druses, pieces for charging and discharging, and numerous other shapes and sizes will be on display for the open house in the large tent in the front courtyard.



October 19, 2017: invitations go in the mail!


The invitations to the Christmas in-house exhibition are going in the mail! Together with the Christmas News you will receive your personal invitation card. Please be sure to bring the invitation card with you to the in-house exhibition; this is valid for up to three people.


The novelties from the Christmas News are partly still on the way to us - so we are still waiting eagerly for the sparkling pyrite hearts and the beautiful new pendant made of Mother of Pearl with the Flower of Life. But all items will be available in time for the open house!


October 11, 2017: commitment: Klaus Hüser comes to the in-house exhibition!

We are pleased that with Klaus Hüser a competent co-exhibitor on the power and effect of gemstones is present at the in-house exhibition! During the Christmas in-house exhibition, there is the possibility of a personal consultation appointment with Klaus Hüser. Under the motto "Bring the stone rolling!" Klaus Hüser will find together with you the suitable gemstones to move something in life, to set a process in motion or to tackle a project.


As the number of appointments is limited, please make your appointment with Klaus Hüser now - an email or a phone call (0172 561 27 95) is sufficient! During the Christmas in-house exhibition, you can also find out about Klaus Hüser's annual group in Ludwigsburg. More information about this on the website of Klaus Hüser.


Klaus Hüser will be available on Friday from around 12 noon and all day on Saturday and Sunday!
