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Lapis Lazuli - Meaning and Effect

Lapis Lazuli is the appropriate stone for midsummer: life in nature reaches its peak, everything is bursting with power and energy. Light and warmth everywhere! The activities of the first half of the year show tangible results, we can enjoy our first successes. Nature is already adjusting to autumn quite covertly - fruits and seeds grow and begin to ripen. We can also fill up our energy stocks for autumn and winter.

Lapis Lazuli strengthens honesty and sincerity - also towards ourselves. Also, the willingness to recognize, accept and speak truths is supported by the blue stone. The "stone of friendship" can therefore help us to develop a good connection to ourselves and to our fellow human beings, so that we can enjoy the togetherness in a new depth and draw strength for the coming months.

In our webshop you will find numerous items, e.g. tumbled stones, donuts in different qualities, stringed beads, made of Lapis Lazuli at wholesale prices.

Mineralogical profile Lapis Lazuli

Chemical Formula: Na8[S/(AlSiO4)6]

Mineral Class: Framework Silicate

Evolution: metamorphic by contact metasomatosis of limestone or dolomite with acidic, silica-rich magma.

Color: blue

Gloss: glassy to fatty luster

Crystal system: cubic

Mohs hardness: 5 to 6

Fissility: Imperfect cleavability; fine mushy-grainy fracture

Occurrences, main supplying countries:  Afghanistan (Badakhshan, mining here since ancient times), Chile, Russia, Canada and Colorado/USA

Lapis lazuli is a really rare gemstone. It is found in only a few places in the world, and only a few sites have stones that could be used as gemstones or for carvings in the last 5000 years. Very beautiful, intensely blue material was found in Russia near Lake Baikal, but more than a hundred years ago this deposit was exhausted. Almost all pieces today come from northern Afghanistan. The remote area is very barren, always cold and therefore accessible only a few months a year - otherwise the area is mostly covered by snow. Because the stones are transported locally by donkeys, the size of the pieces is limited.

Appearance: fine-grained aggregates, often with pyrite inclusions or calcite

Use of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli has been in use as a jewelry stone and cult object for at least 9000 years (Indus Valley). Astrology knows it as a stone that supports the dignity, self-expression and inspiration of the Sagittarius-born.

The gorgeous blue lapis lazuli has always been and still is a sought-after gemstone. Already several thousand years ago, it was used in jewelry in Mesopotamia and the blue eyebrows of the mummy mask of Tut-ench-amun, an Egyptian pharaoh from the 14th century BC, were painted with it. Even today, lapis lazuli is one of the most popular stones used to make jewelry.

As a blue color pigment, lapis lazuli was used for paints in the Middle Ages. However, only very talented artists could afford it. In modern times, people are accustomed to strong, intensely luminous colors, but in those days they could only be made from ground lapis lazuli.

In our webshop, you will find numerous items, e.g. tumbled stones, donuts in different qualities, stinged beads, made of Lapis Lazuli at wholesale prices.